A.T.S. nv, the company behind Cretel by ATS, completed and submitted the EcoVadis questionnaire for the third time at the beginning of November. Based on the provided answers and documents, EcoVadis assesed the sustainability policy of the company together with 100.000 other companies. This resulted in a score of 59/100, or a silver medal.
Some background behind the score; the average of companies evaluated by EcoVadis, across 175 countries and 200 sectors, is around 50/100. Within our activity sector, more than half of the companies score below 45/100. Our score puts us in the 73rd percentile, meaning that only 27% of companies do better. In our sector, we’re in the top 17%.
What is EcoVadis?
EcoVadis is a platform for evaluating the non-financial performance of companies. To carry out this evaluation, EcoVadis asks companies to complete an online questionnaire, which is then analysed. Public evidence is required for each statement. The questionnaire and the weighting of the themes are prepared based on the sector of activity, country, size of the company and previous scores. The level of difficulty of the questions asked changes every year, allowing the various staff departments involved to take stock of annual achievements to encourage continuous improvement.